Bibi Sofowote, CCXP
When you tell people that you work in Customer Experience, they probably have loads of follow-up questions that they feel awkward about asking.
Let’s talk about it.
You know, I’d say I think my dad’s proud of me. He knows I do important work. But I’m also pretty certain he has no idea what it is I actually do. I mean, don’t get me wrong - for a man in his 80’s, he is pretty up-to-date. In fact, we’ve recently had to have a little family intervention to get him to use his computer… less. He does his writing and a lot of his other creative work on there. Hardly a weekend goes by that we don’t do a video call so he can play with his grand-baby. The geographical divide between Germany and Canada was never going to be enough to stop him from being a part of her life. He’s all about that tech.
Customer Experience or CX, is a fancy new-ish buzz-word that everyone in corporate spaces seems to have heard, but that very few seem to be able to confidently define. At various times, I have heard it used interchangeably with Customer Success, Customer Support or even… Contact Center. Yeah, I know.